Hey, it's Mathaeuz! He sure doesn't post a lot, how have things been?
Oh, overall fine, you know. Although far from ideal, my dayjob keeps my productive needs in order and my daily schedule roughly organized.
Huh. What else?
I've been trying to get out of the stale routine I've adopted in my free time, too few personal things getting done. The first byproduct of that has just showed up! It's a song piece and it can be found here! It's my first, tiny step towards composing and music in general, something I always had interest but I either got intimidated by it or tried to tackle it expecting an unrealistic rate of growth.
Sounds cool. And what about that Sonic animation thingy?
The animation project I talked about in the previous post is, obviously, on hold. Turns out I have to figure out a way of animating that doesn't pisses me off at every mistake. I usually find it quite hard taking a single frame to completion because it has to be near perfect, but with my amount of practice and time spent on it... I won't be getting anywhere soon. Basically, I still like the idea (and the music) but I'm expecting to get back to it when I sort those things out.
That's fine, I guess. Well, thanks for the update.
Oh that's fine, I'm surprised anyone even reads those.
Anyways, cya'll next decade!
vc ainda vive <3
As vezes a gente esquece de dar sinal. AUHAUHHAU